On the occasion of Vijayadashami, Chief Minister Jagan is visiting Visakhapatnam.
On the occasion of Vijayadashami, Chief Minister Jagan is visiting Visakhapatnam. The auspicious moment has been fixed. Activities are happening quickly. It's just a matter of a few more weeks. With this, officials are completing all the pending tasks. On the day of Dussehra, Chief Minister Jagan will be entering Visakhapatnam.

For the next three weeks, they are shifting the offices from Tadepalli to Visakhapatnam due to time constraints. Along with this, government officials are also moving their workspaces from Tadepalli to Visakhapatnam, as it is becoming more convenient for them.

Regarding the residence in Visakhapatnam, preparations are in full swing. The Chief Minister's residence is being set up rapidly in a complex under the supervision of the Andhra Pradesh Tourism Department. Apart from the Chief Minister, high-ranking officials related to various departments are also coordinating their activities from here.

Efforts to expedite the construction of the Chief Minister's office in Visakhapatnam are being led by the Development Corporation of Andhra Pradesh. Alongside this, officials from various departments are actively working to ensure smooth operations. The Chief Minister's residence in Rishikonda will also be equipped with the necessary infrastructure and facilities.

The construction work in various parts of the city is proceeding at a brisk pace. The Andhra Pradesh government has allocated budgets for beautification and infrastructure development, and this work is progressing swiftly. The construction corporation DEC is managing the projects efficiently.

Furthermore, around 50 houses have been arranged for office accommodations on Beach Road in Visakhapatnam. These premises are currently undergoing interior works, door installations, and other finishing touches. Officials are focusing on modernizing these spaces to meet contemporary standards.

The shifting of the Chief Minister's office to Visakhapatnam is not the only change. Other government offices are also being relocated to 50 additional houses on Beach Road. Authorities are actively working on renovating and upgrading these spaces. The District Collector and GVMC Commissioner are also actively engaged in these activities.

In this transition to Visakhapatnam, the safety and well-being of young officials working in the Chief Minister's office are of utmost concern. Measures have been initiated to ensure their security. The Chief Minister's office in Visakhapatnam will serve as a hub for significant administrative functions in various regions.

